A game made to experiment with Unity's Friction physics.

Stop within the goal boundaries to score a goal!

There seems to be a weird bug with Unity which means the colliders of objects spawned at the same Y don't actually align perfectly. Due to this, I've made it so planes spawn very slightly underneath one another. Unfortunately, this means that going backward does not work. You'll bounce off an edge. This makes the angled incline not as great.


Number Keys 1 & 2 to switch between Plane and Box settings

Up/Down Arrow Keys to change selected stat

Left/Right Arrow Keys to adjust selected stat

A/D to Rotate Plane in Scenario #1, to Rotate Box in Scenario #2 and #3, and to move Left & Right in Scenario #4

Hold Shift while Rotating Box in Scenario #2 and #3 to have more precise control

Hold Space to Charge Slide, Release Space to Start Slide, and Press Space while sliding to Brake in Scenario #1, 2 & 3

Tab to change scenario

R to Restart

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